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Food Addiction Tips ask dr. bell Dec 06, 2023

Dear Dr. Bell, so many of my clients work extremely hard in the gym but they come up short of meeting their goals because of proper nutrition. It is easy to make suggestions on proper nutrition but how do you address food addiction issues? What...

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Dropping Size When I Want to Bulk Up - Periodization ask dr. bell Sep 22, 2023

Hey Dr. Bell, I need your help. I’m 6’1, 208 pounds. I have been lifting for two months doing 5x5 sets every other day. I’ve always had big arms and then all of a sudden in the last 2 weeks, I have dropped a size. I don’t...

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Standard Weight Lifting Bar vs Olympic Bar ask dr. bell Sep 21, 2023

Dear Dr. Bell, what is the difference between a Standard Weight-Lifting Bar and an Olympic Bar? Which is better to use?

Standard Weights are typically found in home gyms. Standard Weight Lifting bars are one inch (25mm) in diameter on the end and...

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Should I Take BCAAs? ask dr. bell Sep 21, 2023

Dear Dr. Bell, I have been working out for several months now, some guy at my gym said I should be taking BCAAs.  Do you recommend taking them? If so, when and how much should I take?

The Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are Leucine,...

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How to determine what my Macronutrient Intake should be? ask dr. bell Sep 12, 2023

Dear Dr. Bell, how do I determine what my Macro intake needs to be? Thanks for the help!

There are many opinions on how best to calculate your total caloric intake and how to distribute those calories among your macronutrient Intake:...

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Too Young To Lift? ask dr. bell Sep 12, 2023

Hi Dr. Bell, my dad doesn’t want me weightlifting because I’m young and it will stunt my growth. What can I tell him to change his mind? Thanks in Advance, Lawson.

Dear Lawson,

If you are old enough to write this most excellent...

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How to Treat A TFL (Tensor Fascia Lata) Chronic Injury? ask dr. bell Sep 07, 2023

Dear Dr. Bell, I have been experiencing pain in my upper left leg. I’m really not sure of the name of this area…I think the Hip Flexor? The pain occurs on the outside/top of the upper thigh, right below the waste. I have been...

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Can Lifting Weights Cause Acid Reflux? ask dr. bell Sep 07, 2023

Hi Dr. Bell, I’ve had acid reflux for a while now, do you think it can be caused by intra-abdominal pressure from lifting? A friend suggested that could be a cause. Regardless, do you have any suggestions to neutralize it?

Chronic acid...

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Causes and Treatments of Back Pain During Pregnancy ask dr. bell Aug 23, 2023

Dear Dr. Bell, I’m in my second trimester and I’ve started experiencing bad back pain. Do you have any exercises or stretches you would recommend to help with the pain?

My eldest daughter is going through her first-time pregnancy and...

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