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Cardio Before Breakfast? ask dr. bell

Dear Dr. Bell, I was told to always do cardio before breakfast for the session to be most effective, is this correct? Does it really make a difference? I would love for you to weigh in. Thanks! Jessica

Dear Jessica,

I prefer to work out before...

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Chickpea Salad healthy recipes

Looking for a quick and healthy new summer favorite? This recipe will hit the spot.


  • 5 cups diced cucumbers
  • 2 cups chopped tomatoes
  • Two 15-ounce cans of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • .25 cup lemon juice
  • .25 cup olive oil
  • .5 TSP honey...
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6 Pack Back ask dr. bell

Dr. Bell, I’m trying to get my 6 pack back. Is it okay to do a set of abs every day I lift? Or is it better to set one day a week as an all day abs day? I lift M-W-F, and do cardio T-Thr. Thanks, Brian

Dear Brian,

You could have the...

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Dirty Rice healthy recipes

This healthy recipe comes from the kitchen of our Chief Admin Officer Mary Coe. Her daughter, a notoriously picky eater, digs right in.

  • 1 TBSP olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 yellow onion, chopped
  • 1lb ground beef
  • 1 cup rice
  • 1 3/4 beef broth
  • 2...
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What to look for in Pre-Workout and Post Workout Supplements ask dr. bell

What should I be looking for when buying at Pre-Workout and Post-Workout Supplements?

You should be concerned about the safety, quality, and efficacy of all nutrition supplements. Consumer Reports and other periodicals have reported toxic levels...

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Salmon with Mango Salsa healthy recipes

Skillet salmon with mango salsa. Very delicious and low-carb as well!


  • 1/2 Cup Red onion, diced
  • ¼ tomatoes, diced
  • 1/2 cup mango, cubed or chopped
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • Salmon, 2 6-ounce fillets
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • salt...
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Active Rest ask dr. bell

Hey Dr. Bell, I’ve been working out for probably 3 months straight (six days on, one day off). Do you recommend taking a week off of training after a certain amount of time? I feel good, but a trainer recommended I should take a week to...

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Egg Custard Pie healthy recipes

A healthier holiday dessert recipe, but just as tasty as the rest. Our Egg Custard Pie is a must-add to any festive feast!

  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups milk-( your preference- we use whole milk)
  • 1 ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • ½-1 cup sugar ( we use...
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